
Chapter 7: Creating and Managing Tables

7.1 Defining Tables in AL

In AL, tables are defined to store and manage data. Each table consists of fields that hold specific pieces of information.

Example Table Definition

table 50100 Customer
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        field(1; "No."; Code[20])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;
        field(2; Name; Text[100])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;
        field(3; Address; Text[100])
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;
        field(4; "Phone No."; Text[30])
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        key(PK; "No.")
            Clustered = true;

7.2 Primary Keys and Indexes

Primary keys uniquely identify records in a table. Indexes improve data retrieval performance.

Defining Primary Keys

The primary key is defined in the keys section of the table definition.

    key(PK; "No.")
        Clustered = true;

Defining Secondary Indexes

Secondary indexes can be defined to optimize queries on non-primary key fields.

    key(PK; "No.")
        Clustered = true;
    key(Name; Name)
        Clustered = false;

7.3 Field Data Types and Properties

AL supports various field data types. Each field can have properties that define its behavior and constraints.

Common Data Types

Field Properties

Example with Properties

field(1; "No."; Code[20])
    DataClassification = CustomerContent;
    NotBlank = true;
field(3; "Salesperson Code"; Code[10])
    TableRelation = Salesperson;

7.4 Relationships Between Tables

Relationships between tables are defined using the TableRelation property. This ensures referential integrity and allows for data lookups.

Defining Table Relations

field(2; "Customer No."; Code[20])
    TableRelation = Customer."No.";

7.5 Table Triggers

Table triggers in AL are special methods that automatically execute code at certain events during the lifecycle of a table record, such as when records are inserted, modified, or deleted.

OnInsert Trigger

Executes code when a new record is inserted into the table.

trigger OnInsert()
    // if the record is created without No then it auto assigns
    if "No." = '' then begin
            SalesSetup.TestField("Customer Nos.");
            NoSeriesMgt.InitSeries(SalesSetup."Customer Nos.", xRec."No. Series", 0D, "No.", "No. Series");

OnModify Trigger

Executes code when an existing record is modified.

trigger OnModify()
        Error('No modification allowed')

OnDelete Trigger

Executes code when a record is deleted from the table.

trigger OnDelete()
    // Code to execute when a record is deleted
    Error('Delete not allowed')

OnRename Trigger

Executes code when a record’s primary key is changed.

trigger OnRename()
    // Code to execute when a record is renamed
    Message('A customer record has been renamed.');

7.6 Best Practices for Table Design

Example of Best Practices

table 50101 Order
    DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        field(1; "Order No."; Code[20])
            DataClassification = OrderContent;
            NotBlank = true;
        field(2; "Customer No."; Code[20])
            DataClassification = CustomerContent;
            TableRelation = Customer."No.";
        field(3; "Order Date"; Date)
            DataClassification = ToBeClassified;

        key(PK; "Order No.")
            Clustered = true;
        key(Customer; "Customer No.")
            Clustered = false;