
Chapter 5: Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data

Inserting Data into a Table

To insert data into a table in SQL, you use the INSERT INTO statement. Here’s an example:

INSERT INTO users (id, username, email)
VALUES (1, 'john_doe', '')

In this example, we’re inserting a new row into the users table. The values we’re inserting are 1 for the id column, 'john_doe' for the username column, and '' for the email column.

You can also insert multiple rows at once:

INSERT INTO users (id, username, email)
VALUES (2, 'jane_doe', ''),
       (3, 'bob_smith', '');

In this example, we’re inserting two new rows into the users table.

Updating Data in a Table

To update data in a table in SQL, you use the UPDATE statement. Here’s an example:

UPDATE users
SET email = ''
WHERE id = 1;

In this example, we’re updating the email column for the row with id equal to 1. We’re setting the new value for email to ''.

You can update multiple columns at once:

UPDATE users
SET email = '',
    username = 'new_username'
WHERE id = 1

In this example, we’re updating both the email and username columns for the row with id equal to 1.

Deleting Data from a Table

To delete data from a table in SQL, you use the DELETE FROM statement. Here’s an example:

WHERE id = 1;

In this example, we’re deleting the row with id equal to 1 from the users table.

You can also delete all rows from a table:


In this example, we’re deleting all rows from the users table. Be careful when using this statement, as it will permanently delete all data in the table. Make sure you have a backup of your data before using DELETE FROM.